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Urine examination (neer kuri)

Urine examination (neer kuri)

Neer is urine and kuri is signs and symptoms. Theraiyar was one of the latter authors of Siddha medicine who wrote on urine examination and stages of health. He explains the colour and consistency of the urine in different doshas and disease. He also talks of the spreading of a single drop of oil on the surface of the urine indicates imbalance of specific dosha and prognosis of disease. (This practice should only be undertaken by Siddha practitioner) In Ayurveda and Unani medicine the urine is examined mostly for its colour, smell, consistency and deposit. Urine analysis is more important than examination of sweat or faeces. Urine is the waste product of metabolism and HAS to be eliminated from the body. A person can be constipated for days but if urine is not excreted for a day serious health consequences can result. The waste product from every tissue metabolism are carried in the blood to the kidneys which removes the excessive salts and suspensions and eliminates them. Normal urine is thin straw colour and odourless. The colour of the urine comes under five division, yellow, red, green , dark and white (9). Each of these are further divided as illustrated below. The time of day and meals eaten will affect the colour of the urine.
1. Colour of urine similar to water which straw has ben soaked- indigestion
2. Lemon colour-good digestion
3. Reddish yellow -heat in body
4. Colour similar to forest red or flame coloured - extreme heat
5. Colour of saffron- heat in body at highest level
1. Red colour with slight dark red- the blood has become hot
2. Bright red colour-more hot than above
3. Dark red- blood in urine
1. Green with slight dark colour-cold in the body
2. Green with sky blue - cold and poison in body
3. Green with blue-vatha imbalance
4. Blue colour and slimy urine-early vatha disease
5. Leaf green -late vatha disease
Dark colour
1. Dark red- jaundice or serious pitha disease
2. Reddish dark-destruction of blood cells (haemolysis)
3. Greenish dark-impurities in the blood
4. Pale white and dark- vatha and kapa disease, feverish with kapa diminishing
1. Pale white and clear-reduction of warmth in body, indicates incurable nature of illness
2. Mucous discharge -kapa dosha due to excessive heat
3.Milky white-indicated destruction of marrow and the possibility of wasting disease
4. Pale white with mucous and bad odour- inflammation and ulcer in the urinary passage from kidney to bladder or renal or urethral calculus
5. Semen like urine-highly depleted kapa dosha and disturbance of all doshas
6. Urine with no sediment - incurable disease
7. Urine like milk or buttermilk- incurable disease
8. Urine resembling washings of spoiled meat- bad functioning of kidneys and depletion of blood and kapa
9. Urine like melted ghee or dense- indication of impending deathDensity
If urine is light and clear it indicated vitation of kapam and weakness of bladder. Heavy urine indicates disturbance of all doshas. Could also indicate internal ulceration and odema of the body.Smell
Pungent smell indicates ulcer in the bladder. Acidic smell indicates excessive heat which may lead to coldness in limbs. Honey smell of urine indicates increase of blood in unhealthy state. Smell of raw meat indicates possibility of disease of muscle or adipose tissue.
Increase froth indicates destruction of muscle and fat. Yellow or reddish indicates jaundice. No froth or little indicates vitation of tridoshas.The Eyes
The window to the soul and internal health. If vatham is imbalances the eyes will be shifty and dry. Pitham imbalance -eyes will be yellow and sensitive to light. If kapa in excess, watery secretion and oiliness and lack of lustre. In disturbance of all three doshas, eyes will be inflamed and red.Voice
In kapa vitation -voice is heavy. In pitha vitation -voice will be short. Vatha will be different from the other two. Voice also indicates strength.Touch
Vatha derangement-touch will be cold. Pitha -hot. Kapa -moist.Colour
Vatha vitiated -body of person becomes rough, skin and hair appear broken. Does not like cold. Memory is affected, self-confidence.Pitha in excess-cause excess thirst , hunger and burning sensation. The lips, palms, feet and eyes will be red.Kapa in excess-body is soft and oily. Loss of appetite and thirst.Tongue
The tongue diagnosis is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Refer to TCM in AM&M report on organ location and diagnosis.In vatha derangement, tongue will be cold, rough , furrowed. In pitta, it will be red or yellow. In kapa, it will be pale and sticky. In depletion of tridoshas tongue will be dark, with the papillae raised and dry.Faeces
Undigested food-the stool will sink. Digested food -stool floats.Provoked vatham-faeces is hard and dry. Pitta vitation, it is yellow. Kapa disturbance it is pale. Lack of digestion fire the faeces is watery. Foul smelling of varied colour and shining the disease is incurable.Kalpa
The Siddhas have developed a discipline called kaya kalpa. This discipline address the sections on longevity and fountain of youth with complete freedom from illness. It is similar to rasayana of Ayurveda and gerontology of modern medicine. Kalpa means ‘able, competent'. The Siddha were more concerned with quality and longevity of living than with pursuit of sex.Gold and mercury are administered in rejuvenation. More than medicines it is the discipline led by the individual that ensures longevity and freedom from illness. Breath control (pranayanam) and diet are two important parts of this discipline. Proper diet will promote physical stamina and mental equilibrium. The less ones eats the healthier can remain. In today's world it pays to be mindful of everything that we ingest .